Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tea and Crumpets

I had a lovely late night snack of tea and crumpets. To feel more British I had my tea the way the Brits do, with milk and sugar. My mates and I had taken a Jack the Ripper walking tour in the bitter cold so the hot peppermint tea helped to thaw my hands. It was just what I needed. For a mere 53p (pence) the grocery store will sell you eight crumpets. They tend to expire quickly so they are great for sharing. We don't have a toaster so the stove gets fired up to toast them. Our stove is quite slow at heating up so it's quite the process to cook anything, but so worth a warm delicious crumpet. We then butter both sides of the crumpets, place them on the stove, and wait.

When they are slightly brown on both sides, the crumpets are ready! They are too hot to hold or take a bite, but this is immediately done. Slightly crunchy on the outside, but fluffy and a little sweet in the middle, a crumpet is a scrumptious, perfect snack. They remind us a bit of popovers. I only hope I am able to find them in the states, as they have become a staple here and I don't want to have to miss it. You all should start on a search for these so we can eat them together when I get back! 

Have a wonderfully marvelous day, cheers! ~Laura 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Laura, I am going to need to see a picture of these crumpets. :o) They sound delicious! Are they eggy like popovers are? Sorry, my taste buds would like to live vicariously through you. :o) Might need to put Christine on the search for a great recipe for these ... she's such a whiz in the kitchen!
