Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amazing Find

I would say today was quite successful. It started with a module (class) I am taking called Ancient World History on London collections. The "collections" part means we go to museums in the area, mainly the British Museum which I am extremely excited about. We will learn about what museums have to offer and what that means about the places and peoples where the collections came from. Today we visited the Petrie museum which is right on campus. Petrie was an archeologist who spent a lot of time in Egypt mostly along the Nile and found and collected artifacts. He collected mostly day to day artifacts seeing value in practically everything, not only the big, gold, flashy stuff. This makes the 80,000 piece collection at the Petrie museum one of a kind. This is my kind of history course; we learn about a civilization through the physical evidence we are provided of it. With no final exam at the end, it is a win, win, win situation!

After class Megan and I spend the rest of the afternoon together first going to an Indian restaurant before walking 10 minutes into the town of Camden. The Indian food was amazing and we hadn't had any yet, but had been eager in the past two weeks to do so. In Camden we stumbled upon a used book store. I have been looking for children's books because I think they will be amazing memorabilia and a good way to share this experience with my very future children. They had an amazing selection of children's books which I looked through thoroughly. Much to my delight, I found two elaborate pop-up books which were both only £5! I couldn't believe it. They were both such steals.

Picture courtesy of Megan 
Megan was very amused by how geeked I was about these books! In particular the one I am holding in the picture above. It is The wizard of Oz and yes, it even comes with green spectacles so you will not be blinded by the gleaming city of Oz. The real reason they wear these spectacles being something entirely different...
The second book I found is We're Going on a Bear Hunt! This is a book I only recently heard about but it is one I also love. So, having semi sentimental value I bought it as well. 

Then I finished off the day with a short run with my new running buddy, Liz! We have also gotten in the habit of eating dinner quite late, so as it is now 20.00 (8:00) it is dinner time. 

Have a wonderfully marvelous day, cheers! ~Laura 

1 comment:

  1. Laura, good finds! Baylor has done We're Going on a Bear Hunt with his specialist person and loves it. Good stuff! And an awesome picture, by the way. :o)
